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Witchampton CofE First School

Vision, Values & Ethos

Our Vision

‘Live a Life of Love, Just as Jesus Loved Us’

Ephesians 5: Verse 2     

‘Small school, big heart - making a difference. Our school provides the Christian foundation for children to grow and flourish, whilst inspiring ambition. Everyone is a valued member of the school family which empowers them to achieve their very best. Our nurturing environment ensures each child becomes a confident and curious life-long learner. Our Christian values enable us to inspire others, build courage and show respect - all through love’


Our Aims

We will realise our vision for all to flourish by:

  • Honouring the spiritual capacity every unique member of the school community holds. 
  • Working together with Witchampton Church to strengthen our Christian values
  • Having high expectations to ensure children achieve well and make good progress
  • Valuing the importance of each child developing as a confident individual
  • Promoting positive behaviour to ensure children are safe and feel safe
  • Challenging and inspiring independent thinking and a desire for further knowledge
  • Providing quality teaching and learning experiences tailored to each child’s needs
  • Promoting good social skills, confidence and self-esteem within a Christian context
  • Offering a broad range of music, arts, drama and sports; and embracing new technologies
  • Forming strong partnerships with parents and the local community
  • Creating exciting, inspirational learning environments in and beyond the classroom
  • Valuing and respecting other people in our community, the UK and the wider world

Our Values

Our school has four core Christian values of love, inspiration, courage and respect. These  were chosen by the children and staff.

Our Witchampton Wows

We have  four Witchampton Wows, each of the wows  represent one of the school values; Love (pink), Courage (orange), British Values (turquoise) and Inspiration (purple).  The children are  awarded the Wow that represents the value that they have excelled in. For example; for ‘Love’ a child may show great companionship towards a fellow pupil when they are unwell, for ‘Courage’ a child may try something for the first time, and for ‘Inspiration’ and child may have completed a great piece of work that was shared with the class/whole school.


Spirituality in Initio Learning Trust

The Initio Learning Trust seeks to nurture every individual, including in their spiritual development. 

Spirituality is not something we can see; it is something we feel inside ourselves. It is about awe and wonder, asking questions and inspiration.

It is being aware of something ‘bigger’ outside ourselves and our connectedness with others, the world and beyond.