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Witchampton CofE First School

Sports Premium

School Sports Premium:

We have used the following documents (see below) published by Ofsted and the DfE to support us in assessing and auditing our provision of P.E. and in identifying how to spend our Sport’s Premium funding:

  • Beyond 2012 Outstanding Physical Education For All
  • Inspecting primary School P.E. and School Report: new funding
  • The P.E. and Sport Premium for Primary Schools
  • P.E. and Sport Premium – an investigation in primary schools

In addition, we continue to develop the Olympic values. Whole school and class projects are undertaken to promote physical exercise, health and well-being, and foster a love of keeping fit and healthy:

  • Sport’s relief
  • Active Kids
  • Maypole Dancing

Stop Press!

School Game Sports Mark - we are delighted to announce that we have once again achieved the School Games GOLD Mark Award for our commitment, engagement and delivery of competitive school sport in 2023/24.

The School Games Mark is a Government led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success. This year, this includes: 

  • offering a range of sporting clubs with a large uptake;
  • using our trained Year 4 Playground Leaders to help engage all children in playground games and assist in using our equipment for active playtimes;
  • new playground equipment;
  • playing competitively and inclusively with other schools in a number of sports; 
  • our Daily Mile initiative; 
  • 2 hours of P.E. weekly which teaches leadership skills and competitive games within these lessons led by specialist sports coaches and teachers; 
  • links with community clubs and our sports board inside school;
  • news updates for sporting events;
  • our Sports Day which presents sports in a variety of formats. 

Well done to every single child and member of staff as we have all engaged with these successes regularly throughout the year.