School Uniform
Parents and carers are asked that children wear the school uniform, which has been chosen in consultation with parents’ representatives to be easily purchased at moderate cost. It is regularly reviewed to ensure that all items are readily obtainable. All items can be ordered from School Trends by following this link Ideally we ask for the royal blue sweatshirts and cardigans, bookbags and p.e bags to have our school logo but this is optional. All other items of uniform are available from School trends but can also be obtained from chain stores, supermarkets, etc. All the children are encouraged to take pride in and look after their school uniform.
We currently do not sell second hand uniform.
- Grey shorts or trousers
- Grey skirt or pinafore
- Blue and white gingham dress (optional for summer)
- Light blue polo shirt (with optional school logo)
- Royal blue sweatshirt or sweatshirt style cardigan (with an optional school logo)
- Grey or white socks or grey tights
- Black shoes or toe covered sandals with socks in summer (for safety)
P.E. Kit:
- Crew neck white t-shirt
- Navy shorts
- Trainers
- Dark jogging/tracksuit bottoms during cold weather for outdoor P.E.
- School jumper or cardigan or dark blue jogging top (no hoods)
Outdoor Explorers:
For Outdoor Explorer sessions children require a set of clothes that you don't mind getting muddy. Long trousers and sleeves are important for these sessions, as well as a waterproof coat. Some families send in waterproof trousers but these are not essential. Children will wear Outdoor Explorer clothes to school and change into their Wellington boots before the session.
When buying shoes and trainers please consider the ease of fastening for younger children. Children run around a lot at playtimes; please consider this when looking at style and safety of shoes (no open-toed shoes). Plain black boots may be worn during bad weather.
No jewellery (with the exception of talismans) or wrist bands may be worn to school other than small stud or sleeper earrings for pierced ears. All earrings should be removed for P.E. (ideally removed at home on P.E. days). Newly pierced ears may be taped over for some P.E. activities.
Names in everything!
Please remember to name or label all children’s clothing and shoes clearly – it’s amazing how many children have the same size and style of shoes and coat, not to mention school jumper!
Outdoor learning and play:
In the winter we would like the children to have a pair of gloves and a wool hat in school and a warm waterproof coat for outdoors. Please ensure children’s coats are suitable for learning outside in cold or damp weather.
In the summer we recommend children have a sun hat for break times and outdoor learning. On really hot days, children without a hat may be asked to stay or play in the shade.
Families who are entitled to free school meals may also be entitled to a school uniform grant. Please speak to the school office for more information.
The school asks parents to consider the effect on other children or on the perception of their child by others which may be caused by particular hair styles. During term time pupils are asked not to have fashion hairstyles which include: shaved, dyed or streaked hair, patterns, mohawks, lines and tramlines. Extreme use of gels and hair ornaments may have safety implications or be distracting for other children. Shoulder length and longer hair should all be tied back, this is for reasons of health, safety and practicality.
Nail varnish is not permitted.